Come celebrate Pollinator Week with us.
The Hillsborough Garden Club is featuring
three small, charming gardens on this mini Pop-Up Open Garden Tour.
April 16, 2022
Time: 10am-3pm
Forest Ridge Subdivision
Rain or Shine
FREE event
Parking is on side streets, at the pool area, or at the Sports Plex across the street.
All three gardens are easy walking distance of each other
Adults only 18 and up
No pets (unless guide dog)
Not wheelchair or walker accessible

Garden Descriptions:
Beverly and John DeMao
Forest Ridge Pollinator Garden (BEHIND GARAGES)
1129 Quincy Cottage Rd, Hillsborough, NC 27278
Adjacent to alley behind 1200 block of Quincy Cottage Rd
“The Community Gardens were lovingly and originally created as a bird sanctuary and supported by both adults and children residing in the early sections of Forest Ridge. Residents have held two “Bird Parties” featuring planting and making bird feeders; and, recently ,a neighborhood clean-up. This lovely, long stretch of garden continuously changes and offers many lovely pollinators and wonderful, mature shrubs to delight the visitor. It is an excellent example of a great community effort.
We hope you will come and visit and be inspired.”
Reba Wagner
Small Space Climbing Garden and Sweet Field Garden
& Dear Garden (BEHIND GARAGES)
1209 Quincy Cottage Road, Hillsborough, NC 27278
Park only on side streets, please. Thank you
Reba has crafted a truly beautiful and lovely woven arbor trellis that simply delights the eye. It is a work of art. It features two Varieties of Jasmine, Carolina Jasmine with yellow blooms, and Star Confederate Jasmine with white blooms, which are interwoven and trained up a wall to form a 12’ high x 15’ wide green wall. They provide a sweet fragrance when in bloom and year-round foliage.
Across from this lovely vignette is Reba’s charmingly sweet garden entitled Dear Garden. It features a small flower garden bordering the stormwater fence. The first season, this garden was planted, and was intended, to be a rose garden.
Our large resident deer loved the concept and the absolutely delicious nightly buffet.
Season two: the roses were moved and the garden has changed into an experimental flower garden
containing only plants that can survive full sun, limited watering, and that deer abhor.
This has been a learning process with plants continually changing based on their ability to thrive.
Penny Rand
Windsong Gardens
1406 Spring Overlook Lane, Hillsborough, NC 27278
NOTE: Please only park on SIDE streets, or at Sports Plex and walk across the street. Thank you
“The Windsong Gardens are now in their 3rd year and are starting to come into their own. Windsong features many viburnums, hydrangeas, spirea, bulbs, pollinators, small banks of Nepeta Walker’s Low, and lots of specials tucked lovingly to draw the visitor. An interesting feature is the modern Holly wall that Penny is creating. Ultimately it will be sculpted and flat sheared at the top and on the sides. It is @110+ft long in a semi circle, and a great favorite of many birds who love the berries.
Windsong is a source of great joy for the owner. Do come and say hello; sit on the old teak benches, and enjoy the tranquility.”