Join or Renew your
We would love to have you as a member of the Hillsborough Garden Club! Your membership benefits include:
Monthly educational programs on topics ranging from horticulture, nature, and the environment featuring distinguished regional and national speakers
Pre-sale orders for our Biennial Plant Sale
Opportunities to volunteer on community gardening projects
Plus, the company and friendship of an outstanding gardening community!
Meetings are held at the Hillsborough Methodist Church, 130 West Tryon St, Hillsborough, NC 27278 unless otherwise noted.
To become a new member or renew your membership, complete the online registration form to the right.
Pay online:
To become a new member or renew by mail:
Mail form & dues ($35.00) to
Hillsborough Garden Club
PO Box 216
Hillsborough, NC 27278
Membership Directory
Membership Documents
Password Entry will be a Pop Up
Members pay $35 dues annually, payable between Jan 1 and March 31st. New members are charged according to the month they join.
__January - August - $35, renewal of $35 due by March 31 of the following year.
__Sept - Dec - $20, renewal of $35 due by March 31 of the following year.

Phlox David, Paniculata, from Windsong Garden,
Penny Rand,
Club Member and Master Gardener