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Join or Renew your

We would love to have you as a member of the Hillsborough Garden Club! Your membership benefits include:

  • Monthly educational programs on topics ranging from horticulture, nature, and the environment featuring distinguished regional and national speakers

  • Pre-sale orders for our Biennial Plant Sale

  • Opportunities to volunteer on community gardening projects

  • Plus, the company and friendship of an outstanding gardening community!


Meetings are held at the Hillsborough Methodist Church, 130 West Tryon St, Hillsborough, NC 27278 unless otherwise noted.  


To become a new member or renew your membership, complete the online registration form to the right.


Pay online:

To become a new member or renew by mail:

Mail form & dues ($35.00) to

Hillsborough Garden Club

PO Box 216

Hillsborough, NC 27278


new members


Membership Directory

Membership Documents

Password Entry will be a Pop Up

Click Here for Directory



Members pay $35 dues annually, payable between Jan 1 and March 31st.  New members are charged according to the month they join.

__January - August - $35, renewal of $35 due by March 31 of the following year.

__Sept - Dec - $20, renewal of $35 due by March 31 of the following year. 

phlox white david.JPG

Phlox David, Paniculata, from Windsong Garden,

Penny Rand,

Club Member and Master Gardener 

©2019 by Hillsborough Garden Club. Proudly created with

All photos featured on the Website are taken by Garden Owners or with the Garden Owners' permission, and/or complements of WIX.

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